I will be back at the Aspex Gallery in Portsmouth this weekend for my first Christmas Fair! Oooh very excited and looking forward to seeing what else everyone is selling : D
Festival of Crafts at Farnham Maltings…. Been and gone!
I had so much fun at Farnham Maltings. I met loads of great and lovely people, I was in an amazing space, sold some of my products, ran a couple of book binding workshops and had the biggest bacon butty ever. So not much else to say…..except, THANK YOU everyone for coming, buying, chatting, participating in a workshop and sharing my love of Formica. Oh and here are some pictures I took.
There were so many great makers of great things at the festival… and it was so much bigger than I thought that I only got to see a few stalls. But, I did manage to buy a couple of things, swap a couple of things, and snap a few pictures as I was pretty busy being a stall holder etc : )
I really liked Natalie’s sweet ceramics.
It was great chatting with fellow stationary printer Sarah from Longfeltwant, thank you for the Pony card, love it! A hello to Ladybird Likes and Nat Maks who shared the stage with me. It was great to meet you : D
Festival of Crafts 18 &19 October
Hello…. I am taking part in the festival of crafts at Farnham Malitngs, so come and find me there this weekend if you fancy. I will also be showing people how to stab bind notebooks in the weekend workshops. Places are limited so book now if you are interested… http://craft.farnhammaltings.com/portfolio/book-binding/
Uh-oh Stickering stuff is sooo much fun!
My stand at Aspex Gallery’s Contemporary Makers Fair
Fun with my Hand Stitched Notebooks
Instant fun with Instagram
My Space at Pick Me Up 2014
Hi All, I have been really busy since Pick Me Up, so, although a little late here in posting these, some of my pics. . . . .
So much fun stab binding my notebooks at this table – and only one person got stabbed but we both had plasters!!!
Busy busy. At Pick Me Up people could choose one of my screenprinted notebook designs, customise it with coloured thread and choose and print a name plate (name plate printed with SORT).
I met some really great people whilst binding notebooks and shared with them my binding tricks and tips. I think it seemed daunting to some at first but if a five year old called “Harri with an i” can do a great job….well I need say no more. So a big thank you to those brave enough to give it a go and thanks for the amazing feedback. If you missed out on a notebook you can buy one from my Etsy shop www.etsy.com/shop/CatherineMcginniss
A peep at some of the nice peeps at PMU 2014
The Comms Bureau where there was crazy music and things to buy vinyl record shop style. Also very nice beard wearers.
Alice Devine from The Illustrated Game, cutting stuff….Oh, and I like the tiny subbuteo flag on top if the hut. Really great people to have as neighbours at PMU.
This is Letterproeftuin. Great design on a small scale.
Brighton based shop and design studio Unlimited and Sarah Glover an illustrator from Codswallop in Leicester. Plus loads more who I have not mentioned such as Paul Blows, Andy Martin and the Staff at Somerset House and awsomme things like Melvin Galapon’s Grid Forms.
Come along to Pick Me Up 2014 – and see stuff – and buy stuff – and do stuff.
Hello I am pleased to announce that I will be taking part in this year’s Pick Me Up festival at Somerset House from the 24th of April to the 5th of May.
The festival itself is a celebration of graphic art and design and has a huge range of affordable art, interactive events, showcases, late nights and general fun things to see and do. I will be working with The Society of Revisionist Typographers (or SORT for short). I have worked with them on a number of occasions over the years and we thought it would be good to collaborate and celebrate all that is printing and making of stuff! In our space we’ll be offering the public the chance to have a go at stab binding your own notebook and then you can print your own personalised cover label or ex Libris bookplate. So come and see and do.